Amplifier for Cornwall IV

I’m looking for SOLID STATE  amplifier for new to me Cornwall IV (NOT INTERESTED IN TUBES) due to current conditions thanks 
 I’m trying to decide between this amps 
I have the speakers next is amp and then Preamp follow by source
I have Cambridge Azur 851N and cocktail Audio X45 for DAC and  streaming duties also has classe SSP800  and Parasound Hint6  to use as Preamp only for now 
100% streaming and this set up is going to be in my garage MANCAVE
I listen to almost everything but blues , old school country , jazz and  reggae mostly thanks I appreciate any advice and recommendations 
You need power, regardless of the spl. 
 To not clip , and to power the speakers properly. 
 My speaks r rated at only 250W peak I think, amps are 600W rms.  In

 they sound glorious! 
Respectfully, Arctic...that would be true with Magnepan for example,  not with OP's speakers. The current & capacitance supplied by all the above mentioned amps will not clip before your ears quit on you.  It is a different beast. Hence the reason why so many choose Tube amplifiers. Be assured the power supplies on the Pass Labs amps are far beyond adequate.  Watts are not the right measurement.  Cheers.
I listen to my CW IV with the following types of amplifiers, in rotation: 125w Class A solid state; 100w class A solid state; 12w push-pull EL84; 8w SET 300B; 3.5w SET 2A3. All sound very good to excellent. The 300B SET is best, followed by the EL84 PP. At low volume the 2A3 is just lovely. One definitely does not need big power for these speakers.
You have a very nice stable of amplifiers.  Your preferred amp  listening choices make sense given the speaker in question. 