Bi Wiring Speakers from Luxman L-509X

I'm looking at updating speaker cables and I'm convinced that biwiring with two separate sets will be the best approach over a single set of speaker cables with matching jumpers.  

My 509 has two sets of speaker outputs and I can select for the amplifier to drive both outputs.  So my plan is to run one set of outputs/speaker cables to the woofers and the other outputs/speaker cables to the tweeters.  

My question is will this create any compromises in the performance in any way?  I don't want to end up with improving one aspect at the detriment to another.  

Am I just overthinking it?
I was a big fan and totally convinced that using two separate runs of cables worked better than one set with a pair of jumpers. 

Boy, was I wrong.

With a money back guarantee, I tried a speaker cable I was always coveting with their matching jumpers and it was game over, for me.
The fact that they only cost me just over half their retail was icing on the cake. They were show demos. It pays to keep an eye out for them.

All the best,
I understand what Erik is talking about, that is impedance curves at the driver, it has nothing to do with load to the amplifier. The article is talking about how to CORRECT with a crossover design.

I’m afraid you’ve misunderstood then. Nothing in that article presents the impedance of any driver or measurement at the driver.

The first chart is an impedance curve of an actual speaker as would be seen by an amplifier while the next two impedance charts are the impedance, as seen by the amplifier if they were separated. It was my goal that these 3 curves (all from an amplifier’s view) would help explain why the tweeter and woofer are not really seen in parallel by the amp. I will endeavor to make that more clear.

In the last two impedance curves I use an ideal 8 Ohm resistive speaker load so the reader can see the part that is a driver vs. the part that would be contributed by the filter (high or low pass).
If you really want to notice a difference, spend less money on cables and put that money towards another amp …. And Bi-amp the speakers. I run a solid-state amp for the low end and a tube amp for the mid and highs. You get the best of both worlds!
Wireworld  Eclipse 8, with several model choices uses only       OCC  Copper ,and best dielectric out there 
or other high quality options ,it is a very substantial  awg9 and can be bought with naturally biwire  and uses only silver plated ,or gold plater copper connectors ,not cheap gold brass like many ,and the spades,bananas 
screw on and can be replaced any times , very good balanced cables all the way up to the-top Platinum cable.