Tube Amp recommendations to drive Klipsch Forte III

Looking for a good tube amp to pair with Klipsch Forte IIIs. I like my DAC/pre-amp. But I'm open to Integrated.  
An Art Audio Carissa made my original forte’s sound outstanding.


Luxman MQ88U C tube amp. My dealer uses it with the Klipsch Heritage speakers. Works great w/the Hersey's to the K-Horns.
I'm driving my Forte III's with a Leben CS-300xs and it's crazy good.  The Forte III's are not the last word in detail but they are fun.  I actually have a MQ-88uC in my primary system and haven't trying pairing it with the Forte III's yet.  I can see how it would work well.  Perhaps a weekend experiment ;-)  I will report back on this thread if I get around to trying it out.
The VTA amps are impressive and compete with a lot gear that costs much more. Less expensive yet in kit form.

Willsenton integrated amps are getting a lot of love these days for awesome performance for not a ton of money.