LinLai WE 300B or the LinLai Global Elite Permaloy 300B tubes ?

I presently am using Sophia Electric 300B mesh-plates and find them to sound good in general.  I originally used the Sophia Royal Princess 300B's and really loved the sound, however in my experience, reliability was really poor and for the price, it wasn't any fun trying to get replacements.  I'm getting ready to order new 300B's however would like to know if any of you have had experience with their WE 300B or their flagship Elite Permaloy 300B.
Thanks... John
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Just a quick note about reliability - I've never had a problem with my lowly JJ 300Bs. I've been running them about 10 months. I know they're not considered a top-tier tube, sound-wise. I guess I should consider myself lucky that I can be satisfied with them, since I've never had a chance to compare them to anything else. 
At the risk of further complicating the issue: while both Takatsuki and EAT comfortably beat my TJ Full Music meshplates, in my Wavac EC300b there is a strong effect dependent on the recifier tube used. While the EATs prefer to be driven by Tungsol KT66s, the Takatsukis love to be driven by the cryo version of Svetlana Winged Cs. I have experimented with a large range of other 6L6GCs such as JAN Philips 7581-as, Shuguang coke bottles, Tungsols et al but the above combinations win out. The EAT/KT66 combo has better dynamic range for the price of slightly harsher sound, the Takatsuki/Winged Cs major on resolution and timbre for the price of somewhat lesser ooomph. In the world of tubes, trial and error is indispensible
@antigrunge, you're not complicating it at all, sound quality of these tubes has to always be taken in context of entire system. What may sound great in one system may not in another. Even with the reliability factor, context matters, one amp may run tube much harder than another. In post I linked to, most of the amps with tube failures were Line Magnetic. Does Line Magnetic run the tubes harder than others? This is the reason I can't seem to move on 300B tube, reports of reliability and sound quality may or may not apply to my setup. I just know the decision close at hand, heard my Shuguang black treasure with so many variables and evolving system resolution, they are somewhat lacking in natural timbre, everything else really pretty good.
"In the world of tubes, trial and error is indispensible"

"@antigrunge, you’re not complicating it at all, sound quality of these tubes has to always be taken in context of entire system. What may sound great in one system may not in another. Even with the reliability factor, context matters, one amp may run tube much harder than another."

The truth and nothing but the truth.
I have approximately 35 hours on the 16 WE tubes.  They are not fully biased yet but are currently at about 85%.  I was told to break them in slowly and that is what I am doing.  I will take up to full bias in a couple of days.

Early impressions compared to the Gold Lion.  Better bass response and separation of musical instruments.  I am hearing more of the light cymbals on drums, a more distinct pang of the piano,  better clarity, and definition.  Of course, I also have the Yellow QSA fuses in also to further enhance my overall experience.  

It was a major investment, but given that I listen to music 4 hours a day, it was worth it.