why do so many discussions turn contentious?

just venting....why do so many discussion posts need to turn  contenious and nasty?  do you guys find that constructive and/or enjoyable?  I have no clue who or how this forum is moderated, but I sure would love to see a stop to that...it makes me feel like this hobby is dominated by total jerks.

Can't we play nice, share OPINIONS and OBSERVATIONS, realizing that  they often are subjective and biased.  
"if you dont have anything nice to say, say nothing"?  If you wish to disagree, do it in a constructive and mature fashion, no need for "argument ad hominem"...

with all the chaff, one must waste so much time finding the wheat, figuratively speaking.  

I doubt my writing this will change anything, but, like most social media, people writing to others without facing them does not bring out the best, sadly......

I'm agreeing with the post above mine, noting the futility to confront the problem, which is agreeing with it. Capisce?
Well, evidently the perpetually apoplectic need another outlet for their vitriol that they cannot shed on politics and the pandemic.

So many of their fellow Americans have died that their audience is shrinking, so why not here?

People don't like their belief systems challenged. It's the same reason many wars are started over religion or ideology. And due to cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias, it will not stop until/unless humans evolve. You could censor it, but the censorship would also be subject to the censor's cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias.

If it bothers you why don't you just ignore those posts.