New Luxman 507Z Integrated coming in October.

This is the first of the new updated Luxman integrated line. Some additions a needle type red LED between the meters to show volume. This can be turned on or off. ODNF has been replaced w/the latest sound /amplification feedback system called LIFES (Luxman integrated feedback system) This is also in their new amp the M-10X which is replacing the 900U. They are also improving the phono w/a new phono equalizer for MM/MC. The headphone amplifier has also been improved. Power 110 wpc at 8 ohms and 220 wpc at 4 ohm. Price $around $6200 includes tax. My local dealer is having his annual audio show in November. Luxman is going to be there so hopefully this integrated will be displayed.
I was hoping the chicago show was happening and Luxman was displaying the new gear....keep us informed on what you hear in November.....
Thanks for the heads up! I wonder if this will be the new entry level unit? I have a 505UXii which I love. Are they going to update the other integrated amps? 
Other changes are coming. 2025 marks the company's 100th year. So it will be releasing more upgrades.