OPPO 205 vs Aurender N200


Currently I own a OPPO BDP-205, which I use as a streamer and as a DAC, with the balanced outputs connected to a Hegel P30 preamp.

I’m considering the option of purchasing a Aurender N200, which would be connected via USB into the OPPO, which would work as the DAC.

So, in your opinion, is it worth the upgrade? Or the OPPO itself as a streamer is enough?

Thank you for any insights!

As @fuzztone pointed out, get a better DAC if you’re considering N200. 
I suggest that a RasPi with piCorePlayer and a Gustard X18 will sound better and be more player friiendly than anything through that Oppo. If you’re afraid of a little work get a Magna Mano and go i2s to the Gustard.
I have a 203 and a 105.  Both will play files from HD on the network .  Control is by using the network function of the Oppo and using the monitor connected to the Oppo with the Oppo remote.  I haven’t tried adding a streaming service to the Oppos but there are some apps for a few.  I have Bluesound Node2s in the same system and resort to the Oppos when the Nodes aren’t playing nice
Without a doubt the Aurender will provide a huge jump up in performance. It is all too easy to think the streamer doesn’t matter, it does. Just like the turntable, cartridge ion the analog side.

I used misc devices for streaming for years, PCs, laptops, iPads… then my first inexpensive Aurender boosted my whole system to a new level. I then rapidly upgraded my streamer on my main system until I am now running their flagship WE20se. Digital is now as satisfying as my analog end and what I use 95% of the time. Aurender make incredible streamers… highly recommended.

If you had told me I would spend $22K on a streamer four years ago I would tell you you were crazy. Listening to this streamer for 30 seconds I went from being apprehensive about making a wild extravagant expenditure to feeling it was a really good deal. The same happened with the $3K streamer, and $5K streamer.