CDP to replace vinyl

I'm going to sunset my vinyl gear (WTTT&A) and I'm looking for suggestions for a CDP that will give me that "vinyl" sound. The rest of my system consists of a CARY 300sei and a pair of ProAcs 1SCs. I listen primarily to classical, jazz and vocals. My first though is a Cary 301 tube unit. Thanks for your input. Dave
I can't believe no one has mentioned the Exemplar 2900 or Exemplar 3910.

Replace vinyl? I don't know about that, but my Exemplar beats every other unit I've owned. That includes Sony SCD-1, Meridian, Reolution Audio Opus 21, Ayre, and a few others!. The next best I've ever owned was quite good as well: The Electrocompaniet.
I also think that naim cdp is the most vinyl sounding one among commercially available quick solutions. We recently compared cdx2 and ML390s to an analog rig. ML390s has such a dadaist soundprint, so different than analogue, while cdx2 was remarkebly close. None the less, I also urge you to look at Altman dac. I recently heard it. The most life like music was produced by the rig in which was inserted that I have ever heard.
Exemplar Denon 5910. I almost got fooled into thinking I was listening to vinyl.