Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5

I'm setting up an audio system for my son and run into cheap pair of Vandy 2CI and Thiel CS1.5 all in good shape.
I'm leaning toward Thiel CS 1.5 since I've owned a few pairs in the past. 
Electronics are tube integrated, modest vinyl system, streaming DAC. Small room 10x12 with window


I have 2Cs, and rate them as a great value new, and especially used.

The Theils are in “the list of 5” along with Vandersteens as being time&phase correct, so I am not seeing any big problem with either as they start out technically accurate.

I would say:
  1. Get him the Vandys (if you already have heard the Theils and you get a different perspective).
  2. Or Let him choose.
  3. Or get both, and later move on the loosing pair?
Very cool gesture. It’s subjective. I prefer the Vandersteens. They’re more sensitive and easier to drive, plus to young ears, the Thiels may sound a bit bright.  Maybe let him pick.  Should be a great sounding system.

Having owned both 2Ci's and Thiel 3.6, I also thing the Vandys would probably be a safer choice for this case. Easier to drive with tubes, a more forgiving tonal balance allowing for compatibility with lower cost amps and the fact that the company is still around for parts if needed all are factors. 
One consideration not yet mentioned is that many younger people's musical selections include more newer recordings that tend to be more compressed and hotter in the treble. Perhaps, a less than ideal fit with the Thiels relatively speaking. Cheers,
@ soix The 1.5's average output is ~4 Oms so you're right, it may require high current amp. I have a 40w/c tube Class A integrated amp so hopefully in puts out enough juice in a relatively 10 x 12 x 8 room.

@ holmz  I like option 1 and 2. Thanks

@ knotscott I like your suggestion, the 2CI's may be too big for the room and we need to re-arrange the room but we'll see.

@ sbank I agree Vandys would be a safer choice. My son in his 20s now and he's a violinist in a commercial band. His plays multiple string instruments, classical and Latin jazz are his favorites. I guess since he was growing up in a family listening mostly to vinyl and tube does give him an appreciation for high quality music