Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Listening to others and discussing any subject even censored one without insults is no longer possible it seems, why?

Instead of calling some "conspirationist" or "tin foil hatter", perhaps what is true or meaningul in another perspective view would be more interesting to discuss...

We build with a common ground not with systematic dissent....

I often require the medicinal properties of hard liquor before venturing to an online forum where the wearing of a tin foil hat is recommended by my therapist.
it is probably because you need it anyway....

I dont....

It remind me of the useless debates here in audio and in politics where people are chained to false conditioned alternatives missing always the essential in audio like in politics...Two warring gangs....I dont need liquor nor drug to come here....Only friendship, by anyone religious or atheist or vinyl table user or digital user etc....Vaxx at all cost or antivaxxers....I am in none of these 2 boats....

It is not a great contribution after 31 posts to tell to all people indiscriminately that speaking here need to be first meet with a therapeutic...

Anyway welcome to this forum sincerely and i apologize if it seems rude from
 my part....
Instead of calling some "conspirationist" or "tin foil hatter", perhaps what is true or meaningul in another perspective view would be more interesting to discuss...

When you have no ability to disprove someone's opposing idea, then you call them names or cast aspersions on their character. This is a common tactic especially among those who tell us how smart they are and how dumb we are.

Natural immunity would work.  But, getting sick in order to acquire immunity so that you don't get sick makes as much sense as having one's arm amputated so that it will not get caught in a wood chipper.
Natural immunity would work. But, getting sick in order to acquire immunity so that you don’t get sick makes as much sense as having one’s arm amputated so that it will not get caught in a wood chipper.
This disease dont touch all age groups in the same way first...

Second before saying partial claim and sophism think...

There is many proved simple low cost treatment for people which are not at risk with morbidities and old age....

Do you think 300 million people  in Uttar pradesh state in India vaxx all with forceful mandates to eliminate and controls covid?

Their yogi minister give a few bucks ivermectin and antibiotic...With total success...2 dollars for the pack...

Then revise your sophistry in the face of science....

Forget ideology ingrained in you by medias...

I will repeat:

Vaccination is good for at risk people only on ALL earth not only rich america...Save for the pharma who sells it to rich countries governed by corruption... Sorry....Give vaxx to the poor at risk on earth Free...Is it not a world crisis where profitering is criminal?

Treatment at low cost are necessary for all others poor people on earth and even for at no risk young americans with a functioning brain....Put an end to censorship of science facts and scientists by youtube, facebook and other criminals global corporation that rules us all over democratic government...

To control a mutating coronavirus we need treatment and vaxx... Like with the seasonal flu.... And no for the idiots who read me i dont confuse the more problematic sars-cov2 with the ordinary flu but the 2 are airborne transmitted rapidly mutating viruses.... We need then vaccination and treatment, not only one of those 2.... Is it difficult to understand?

Massive vaxx for all will by itself only create a selective pressure in a direction we dont wanted to on the possible roads of the virus mutation.... We need a part of the population which is not at risk unvaccinated... Epidemiology course for all non scientific people on the Gert van der Bossche site...

The concept of natural immunity is not reducible to the way which you use it for in your "sophism"... A sophism is an argument that look logically sound but that is garbage and meaningless....