Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
ghasley, you had me at ground beef crunchy shell. I guess I’m a bit old fashioned that way, though I will never kick a lobster out of bed. Time will tell on the pan though.
@jond   Voice of reason and sanity in the midst of... well...

Iso et al.: I suggest another viewing of "The Matrix"; how can you be sure that the site you're posting on isn't part of the conspiracy?
Iso et al.: I suggest another viewing of "The Matrix"; how can you be sure that the site you’re posting on isn’t part of the conspiracy?
I prefer to be a paranoiac than a sleepwaker...

Your post are always "caricature" about everything unorthodox ....Why?

Are you able to live in the real world only by cheap denying?

in this crisis like in audio world crisis  denying  gesture is the politic of the sheep...

I prefer my creative "Thin foil hat" in audio to your wisdom in audio....

I prefer to be a paranoiac than a sleepwalker in life also....
This audio manufacturer brings everything together.  I can't understand why they're not more popular
The U.S. Government just lost a landmark lawsuit, all Government funding to WHO and CDC is stopped. RFK JR