What did I do??

Today I sold a pair of Wilson Sophia Speakers.

I ordered a pair of Tekton Design Moab Speakers.

Am I going to be disappointed? 
The OP asked for opinions and he got them.  Some positive and some negative.  If he didn't want to hear what other people think of his purchases, then he wouldn't have asked.
What did you do? Off the top of my head: serious money problems. Totally understandable 
So people can formulate such strong opinions on two speakers they haven't heard in his listening room and then question his outcome? How is that even reasonably possible? At the very least don't you to have to hear something in order to assess the sound quality or is extraordinary extrapolation all that's required?
People saying the Tektons are sh.t I don’t think have heard them. Are they world beaters. Dunno my DIs were pretty damn good but crappy speakers they ain’t. 
What are you talking about? He said “sold” and then “ordered”. Did HE (the OP) listen to them at the same time, in his own room?