Best way to spend $1000 on used bookshelf speakers?

There is so much experience and wisdom in this forum, so I thought I would ask for some advice. Based on what you know now, if you had a budget of $1,000 (give or take) and were looking for the best bookshelf speakers you could afford, what would you be looking for?
@ohmy - before any model recommendations, I'd assess the following:
  1. room size and listening distance
  2. how close to the walls and corners the speakers will be
  3. which music genres you enjoy most
  4. which speakers you've heard that you liked
  5. which speakers you've heard that you disliked

true bookshelf is a different category than small monitor's.

either should be located/stand mounted to get the tweeters at seated ear level.

in any case, I advise no ports, if ports only front facing.
Proac Response 2 would be a great match considering the amp & desire to rock out with something small...not often easy to do. Since they are an older model $3K originally, used ~$1K is possible. Looking for 2 seconds, I found:

See Underwoodhifi END OF SUMMER SALE 

  LSA-10 Signatures Only $999.00 a pair Our lowest price ever Save $1500.00 36Hz bass from a monitor that sounds like a floor-stander