Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Ladies and Gentlemen (I know, a diverse group is unlikely but just trying to be respectful in the unlikely event…):

There are a few certainties in this discussion;

1) Sincere people have absolutely inflexible and opposite viewpoints. Person A isnt going to flip to person B’s way of thinking and vice versa.

2) The pandemic (real or imagined) has polarized those who were once capable of being friendlywith one another. Was political division a nasty cause or an effect. Doesn’t really matter. Its here and people can choose to pour fuel on the division or move on. Its an individual choice to get along or not, not a circumstance.

3) Here is something that may upset some, and it absolutely isn’t intended to. Here is an example. During the lockdown, many worked from home….and some didn’t want to return to the office. This was the first moment where employers culled the rolls. Come back to the office or you are gone.

4) And now we find the workplace at an inflection point…get vaccinated or you are gone. Im not going to litigate the morality or whose rights are at stake. The point I want to make is many who lose their job during this time will vehemently believe it is a result of their politics or a matter of freedom or an infringement of their rights as a purported child of a higher being. The reality may be much more troubling.

5) That reality will be hard to stomach by some but in the months to come, the vaccination requirement and those resistent to complying is actually going to be a natural filter in the workplace. In short, it will be used as an absolute point where employers will use this as a moment to identify an overtly inflexible employee. In years past, people would keep certain things to themselves. Now days, many are emboldened to come out of the closet and communicate (to some) their extreme viewpoints, one of which is their stance on the vax.

6) I contend a great many in the workplace who are difficult to manage may have also taken a stand against mandatory vaccinations. This will be a convenient moment to flush that group out of certain organizations. Right or wrong, if someone is hard to work with, it will be a convenient and legal way to get rid of someone they think is a pain in the ass. Right or wrong, if someone critical to the success of an organization refuses the vaccine, you can be certain that the organization will find a way to make it work.

I’m not saying everyone who loses their job over their refusal to vaccinate is a pain but every organization will have to determine the lengths they are willing to go to retain the employee who refuse to vaccinate.
You wrote the most terrifying post i read here because you stay very factual...

But writing clearly about this problem illuminate it...

You just describe Orwellian society cleaning itself...

Are you a conspirationist?

By the way i hate nobody here, i like discussion, and i try to understand everyone...

But we cannot undo seeing....

your post illustrate my point....

We cannot undo seeing...

« Seeing is thinking with the 2 arms and legs»-Anonymus Smith

« Even the blind go where they see»-Groucho Marx 🤓

«What you see is where you will go»-Anonymus Cherokee hunter
I see the same four or five posters pontificating ad nauseam, on endless repeat. You offer up information culled from sources self determined as delivering truth. You never question your sources, any and all opposing sources subjected to character assassination.

And then you continue to whine about the consequence of the choices you've made. On top of that, you want others to feel compassion and empathy for you.

Again, you're only preaching to the choir. I don't understand your intentions with this endless thread. Are you trying to convince the opposition to change sides, or do you still have the need to convince yourselves of the truth of your convictions? Or perhaps you take sustenance from belittling and trashing your opponents?

Those seeking understanding and compassion should bear the consequence of their freely made choices with courage, quit whining about how they're treated so unfairly. People don't like whiners, plenty of much more deserving people and causes in this world use up empathy capacity.

 All this craziness and divisiveness driven by this wonderful innovation we call information technology. Apt name, takes a microscope to locate the knowledge content.

"Dr" Vernon Coleman a GP who lost his license in the 80s and is a newspaper columnist not a scientist, and RFK Jr who is sadly a rabid anti-vaxxer are your "authorities"?
"Dr" Vernon Coleman a GP who lost his license in the 80s and is a newspaper columnist not a scientist, and RFK Jr who is sadly a rabid anti-vaxxer are your "authorities"?


Luc Montagnier A nobel prize winner...On one side...With many other great scientist like Robert Malone creator of the mRNA tech... or Geert vanden Bossche....

On the other side Fauci associate with Robert Gallo the PROVEN  thief against Montagnier in the HIV war...

Now the same players against each other in the covid war...

But think about it:

Fauci command a science budget research of 40 billions dollars, Montagnier, Malone,Vanden Bossche had no money they do research....Now think who is the most powerful? I will not speak about Gates bigger budget and his association with Fauci... It will be too conspirationist for this thread....If you vwant to call Fauci a scientist you are deluded...

Only these name and their history is enough to understand what is at stake...If you read books....Not youtube or google fact chekers.....