Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Somewhere in between are the ones left who write history.
Dont believe the factual small history....

It is a fable....

Most facts are distorted or wrong...

Look at consciousness history at a more high scale... Truth is there without robe...

Those who wrote small history are the victorious it is very well known...Not the best man or the worst.... The victorious...

Go in the street of America and ask them which one invented almost all electrified America by itself?

The answer will no be a Serbo- Croatian immigrate coming from France with the false promises of Edison....

Small history is a pack of half truths....

Many americans think that Robert Gallo is co-discover of the HIV virus with Montagnier because the dispute was resolved diplomatically between France president and US president...The truth proven by inquiry says Gallo is a thief...A friend of Fauci by the way....  Here we are with 2 pandemies and the 2 same arch enemy at 40 years of distance face one another again ....Fascinating story indeed...

Do we solve scientific fact and truth  by politic agreeement or papal decision like in the Montagnier Gallo case?

Asking the question is answeering it...

The greater history reveal truth ....

No conspiracy here, only the same criminal thieves lying....

It is simple to verify about Tesla....

The life of Tesla like Archimedes life, or like Ramanujan life is unbeliveable but true...

People cannot believe extraordinary events man or extraordinary science...

Our room are walls who protect us from the extraordinary....

I just realize that i "pontificate" here ....Sorry for my imperfect character....



If you watch nothing else skip to 5:10 listen and study the slide, it shows exactly how both forms of vaccine (not just mRNA, both) result in the body making the deadly spike protein. Say again, the result of being vaccinated is your body produces a deadly protein. 
Wow, what a relief. After almost 900 posts on this messed up thread we are finally all in agreement on this contentious topic. Now we can relax. Good job everyone.
I dont know if Dr. McCullough is right...

But it is not an armchair bureaucrat doctor here...

If he is wrong it will not be because he lied...

At least...

 Myself i trust him completely...

 Before taking this vaxx or not i read 3 months non stop....

 No need to impose my decision to others...

 But when i see criminal activities  i must speak out...
Here is the problem with anecdotal evidence, I've had bouts of vertigo off and on throughout my life. I've been fully vaccinated since March 22nd, since then not a single bout of vertigo. See how that works?

dabel I am very sorry to hear of your wifes struggles vertigo is seriously debilitating and bless her for being a teacher.