Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
I just read the Carnegie-Mellon study on vaccine hesitancy and oddly enough it does not mention PhD's at all it talks about different occupations and age groups but not education levels. From the study this is the only reference to education I see:

"Final month (April 20-May 19) participants (N = 525,809) had a median age range of 35–44 years; 45.5% were male, 52.0% female, 1.3% non-binary, and 1.2% self-described gender; 16.7% were Hispanic, 68.8% White, 6.5% Black, 3.6% Asian, 0.9% Native American, 0.3% Pacific Islander, and 3.4% Multi-racial; 23.2% had ≤ high school education, 40.7% had ≥ four-year college; 13.4% lived in a non-core or micropolitan area, 50.4% lived in a large central or fringe metro area. Two-thirds (66.1%) worked for pay; half (50.6%) worked outside the home. Demographics were similar across all months (data not shown), including employment status. Compared to January, in May: 1.7% more participants reported working outside the home, while 1.2% fewer reported working at home, and 0.4% fewer reported not working for pay (eTable 2). "

I predict this thread soon to be authoritative source for solution to defeat covid. Collating so many preeminate authorities within a single thread will certainly enlighten the ’quack’ scientific community. Guys, thank you for your service to humanity.

And so, I too am headed to the bar, drink my sorrows away after being made aware of the devil’s poison living within my body from vaccine.
Your answer is pathetic...

You never answer to my argument:

Massive vaccination of ALL and forced one CANNOT solve the problem WITHOUT early treatment ALSO...

Then why is working early treatment censored and forbid by corporations/institutions in america?

Why contrary to basic epidemiological science in the case of coronavirus who mutates greatly and are airborne transmissed, why not using basic low cost treatment for all and vaccinations for the compromised owner of weak immune system?

This is 2 questions....

Not a "quack" solution to defeat covid...Think instead of devising strawman argument...

And yes perhaps your shot in your body is a bad idea.... NOBODY knows...This is precisely the problem your blindness will evacuate with wiskey...
Sns, speaking of devils poison if you’re a big bourbon fan go for the Stagg Jr. It varies in proof but routinely around 130. It comes complete with a designated driver. I’m not man enough to read the label let alone drink it.
The association between hesitancy and education level followed a U-shaped curve with the 143 lowest hesitancy among those with a master’s degree (RR=0.75 [95% CI 0.72-0.78] and the 144 highest hesitancy among those with a PhD (RR=2.16 [95%CI 2.05-2.28]) or ≤high school 145 education(RR=1.88 [95%CI 1.83-1.93]) versus a bachelor’s degree.

Here is the study. Please stop
The association between hesitancy and education level followed a U-shaped curve with the 143 lowest hesitancy among those with a master’s degree (RR=0.75 [95% CI 0.72-0.78] and the 144 highest hesitancy among those with a PhD (RR=2.16 [95%CI 2.05-2.28]) or ≤high school 145 education(RR=1.88 [95%CI 1.83-1.93]) versus a bachelor’s degree.

Here is the study. Please stop
It is not a mystery that the most hesitant are the most educated or the most exploited and the victims...

All the rest is mostly sheeps...

Few years ago i go to a doctor and speaking about books he said to me that he had no time to read save scientific litterature...

He give to me for proof a big pamplet with graphs...

It was a publicity free pamphlet from pharma corporation...

Sellers masquareding as scientist or using science for profit...

The first three causes of deaths in america are heart disease first and cancer, malpractices and accidents are third....

But think about it: how many heart disease and cancer are induced by malpractice in medecine and agriculture and in pharmaceutical greed ?

The main cause of death is probably  science replaced  or steer by greed....
