Crazy crazy crazy

If we ever get through all this craziness and Axpona kicks back up meet me on the second floor at the bar. I’m buying the first round. Stay safe friends.
Sns, speaking of devils poison if you’re a big bourbon fan go for the Stagg Jr. It varies in proof but routinely around 130. It comes complete with a designated driver. I’m not man enough to read the label let alone drink it.
The association between hesitancy and education level followed a U-shaped curve with the 143 lowest hesitancy among those with a master’s degree (RR=0.75 [95% CI 0.72-0.78] and the 144 highest hesitancy among those with a PhD (RR=2.16 [95%CI 2.05-2.28]) or ≤high school 145 education(RR=1.88 [95%CI 1.83-1.93]) versus a bachelor’s degree.

Here is the study. Please stop
The association between hesitancy and education level followed a U-shaped curve with the 143 lowest hesitancy among those with a master’s degree (RR=0.75 [95% CI 0.72-0.78] and the 144 highest hesitancy among those with a PhD (RR=2.16 [95%CI 2.05-2.28]) or ≤high school 145 education(RR=1.88 [95%CI 1.83-1.93]) versus a bachelor’s degree.

Here is the study. Please stop
It is not a mystery that the most hesitant are the most educated or the most exploited and the victims...

All the rest is mostly sheeps...

Few years ago i go to a doctor and speaking about books he said to me that he had no time to read save scientific litterature...

He give to me for proof a big pamplet with graphs...

It was a publicity free pamphlet from pharma corporation...

Sellers masquareding as scientist or using science for profit...

The first three causes of deaths in america are heart disease first and cancer, malpractices and accidents are third....

But think about it: how many heart disease and cancer are induced by malpractice in medecine and agriculture and in pharmaceutical greed ?

The main cause of death is probably  science replaced  or steer by greed....

I read the actual text of the study and did not see that perhaps it was in the supporting materials. In any case so there are some hesitant PhDs it could be some statistical anomaly or oddity however.

What is the point of you sharing this study with us anyway?
@jond having a conversation with you is extremely hard, because you jump from one thing to another, not get to the truth of the situation, but to change the subject and win an argument.
You are not a good faith actor.
You are debating, trying to win, not trying to find out what’s true.

That right there is the problem with most people today, they have been educated and brain washed into this very mindset. Cognitive Dissonance at it’s best.