How Do You Learn?

After 5 years back into this HiFi pursuit I realize I may need to reassess
where I spend time finding new information.

So I ask you to please list 'just one' source you consider to be
most important in keeping you well informed of goings on in

I look forward to reading some carefully considered replies.

That's not a source. That's a list of sources. Might as well say, "Search Bar".

To answer “just one source”, I would say Stereophile magazine. Years ago they had a reviewer that shared my taste in music and preference for gear. I found that helpful in future upgrades, although most of my gear was never on Stereophile’s Recommended Components List. When he reviewed equipment with music I had, I could compare what I heard with his comments. I became better at listening and understanding the lingo.

Although a reviewer may give a glowing report, the equipment may not give the same results to someone with different system components, room, music preference and ears. But it can still be helpful and educational.

I know the magazine has its detractors but I consider it one of the better resources for reviews, information and audio news.

I’m a long time subscriber. I’ve subscribed to most of the other audio mags over the years (many defunct), this is one of the last ones standing and one of the best.

Find a hi-fi shop with the best sound. Learn what you like, then try to duplicate what you heard at the shop and make your home system sound the same.