In this, I found them of some value for limited time, over the long run I’ve not found them beneficial. I have kept my two along with the LPS for them, will continue to insert from time to time in case I make future changes in which they might prove to be of value again.
In my experience their perceived "value" is greatly modified increased or erased if the acoustic of the room is not at efficient level of control.....
And the effect is system dependent also...In some case they can cause an impression of degradation of the sound, especially if the system is deficient itself...For example harsh high frequencies increase confused with sonic details...
The cure is to modify the system or the S.G.
Modifying the S.G. is easy with minerals and crystals... ( It is not necessary here to laugh at me)
Many people dont perceive any effect from them... Because their system is not at the right level or their room is not under acoustic control...Or the two....
By the way speculating about the cause of this audible effect is not a scientific explanation , even us audiophiles we know that....