Why Do Schumann Resonators Work?

Schumann Resonators are little boxes you plug into the wall that produce electromagnetic radiation tuned to 7.83 Hz. This is the frequency that the earth/atmosphere system “rings” at when the Earth is struck by lightning. It is also a common frequency your brain “ticks” at.

When employed in the listening room, many people claim it makes their audio sound better. If this is true, then what is the mechanism of action?

-Is it a matter of the resonator producing a more relaxed mental state?
-Does it help block or alter electromagnetic interference?
-Does it add its own electromagnetic interference to your system that just so happens to be pleasing?

I experimented with one recently and what I noticed is that it seemed to remove some of the high frequency nasties or what some might call “digital glare” (although digital glare can also show up in analog systems). When I made this observation, the resonator was placed right next to my power strip that my CD player, preamp and some other devices are plugged into.

My “proof” of the effect is that I could turn the volume up louder than usual without it sounding “too loud.” The sound levels of the system weren’t any quieter, it’s just that the digital glare was reduced so that I could go louder before thinking “this is too loud,” which usually isn’t a sound level thing per se but the point as which some frequency (often the highs) become irritating.

So who here has experience with these devices? Do you like them? Does anyone know why they work?
In this, I found them of some value for limited time, over the long run I’ve not found them beneficial. I have kept my two along with the LPS for them, will continue to insert from time to time in case I make future changes in which they might prove to be of value again.
In my experience their perceived "value" is greatly modified increased or erased if the acoustic of the room is not at efficient level of control.....

And the effect is system dependent also...In some case they can cause an impression of  degradation of  the sound, especially if the system is deficient itself...For example harsh high frequencies increase confused with sonic details...

The cure is to modify the system or the S.G.

Modifying the S.G. is easy with minerals and crystals... ( It is not necessary here to laugh at me)

Many people  dont perceive any effect from them... Because their system is not at the right level or their room is not under acoustic control...Or the two....

By the way speculating about the cause of this audible  effect is not a scientific explanation , even us audiophiles we know that....
Audiophiles are not likely to have the expertise to answer your question.
Then i will add to your initial observation mine also...

Most non audiophiles are not likely to have the expertise to answer the question either ...

  we will wait then....
Oh, we don’t need to wait. That would be illogical anyway. Because you are right, the people who supposedly have the "expertise" to answer don’t exist. This is always the problem any time you are on the sharp end of the spear, pushing the envelope, as they say in The Right Stuff. We are on the frontier, the territory ahead every bit as unknown as any Lewis and Clark encountered. That the frontier is understanding sound and listening really is not fundamentally any different than the unknown of the territory ahead.

Why more don’t get this I will never understand. Especially since their "wait for the experts" is diminishing and self-defeating. Where do experts come from anyway? Another planet? Solar system? Universe? Pretty sure they come from right next door. Instead of helplessly waiting for one to beam in, the guy who thinks experts are so great could go to work and become one himself. Why not? Isn’t that what the expert did? Either that or there was some magic wand involved. I think he did it himself. Which means you can too.

Heck mahgister you already are one, if you ask me. Now if you can just get a few more to follow in your footsteps.....
Heck mahgister you already are one,
Sorry millercarbon you are wrong here...

I am in no way an expert in anything...Save the art of reading books...

But i have done listening experiments with homemade devices... This does not qualify me in anything... Save the elementary facts i learned about doing this...These elementary facts are the only thing i communicate here... and this could be put in one line:

Dont upgrade your gear before embedding it rightfully in his mechanical, electrical and ESPECIALLY  acoustical working dimensions...

Thanks anyway for your generosity toward me...

I just need to set record straight for all readers...

I have two purchased off the bay but have yet to be be impressed. But then I never stuck any “magic dots” to any speakers I ever owned either.