NPS-1260 Connection fluid

Interesting item.  May try.

any others use it?
After using it for a few weeks now I say it is good stuff.  I have treated starting from my circuit breakers to my speaker cables, interconnects and phono.  The background is blacker than ever.  Listening to CDs: I hear background noise in some CD tracks now.  At first, I thought I was hearing the S/N of the DAC but it is only on some CDs.  I hear studio echo in CD tracks- something that I used to only hear with vinyl.  My new DAC/Transport is a whole level higher in detail than my last CD player but now the detail is further enhanced with the GPS-1260.  Streaming is dead quiet as well but I can't see how to treat a USB cable.  I'm worried about shorting the pins with the stuff.  I still need to treat all of my tube pins but I just can't stop listening for now.
You know, the rheostats for automotive fuel level senders are made from a conductive ink silk screened onto a ceramic card.  This conductive ink is a paste made of Gold, Paladium and Platinum.  A tube of this paste 20 years ago cost about $5000 but it made several thousand sender cards.  Used to use a Silver paste but OBDII requirements killed that.  The ingredients in GPS-1260 are not cheap.
So only 10% of the formulation is graphene. The rest are rare earth mineral nanopowders.

Also 10% conductive polymer, which you would presume is Stabilant 22 or something similar, and interestingly 10% shungite.
Boxer, to tell you the truth, I haven’t tried NPS. I’ve been using Stabilant 22 for many years now. Do I hear a difference? Maybe, maybe not. Years ago I tried Mapleshades silver contact enhancer, I definitely heard a improvement, but I found every 6-months or so, Pierre suggested to clean & retreat all connections. I found that to be a lil more work, for what it was worth. Stabilant 22 is in my eyes is a one time application, unless I would have to break a connection & retreat my cables. I feel any contact cleaner/enhancer is worth a try, it just makes sense. Many Electricians I know, use Stabilant 22 on their panel installations. I use it from my Sub panel rite up to my tube pins!
To all,
I’ve never met Rick just spoke with him on Mc 05s, he came across to me as straight forward answers on them. He told me about this before it went public I shyed away from it only because of painting cable ends. I thought I dont want to sit there every so often to paint connectors all the time. That’s it, if you only have to do it once then great I’d try it. But until I know that then forget it, so if one can say that.
Enjoy 🎶