After using it for a few weeks now I say it is good stuff. I have treated starting from my circuit breakers to my speaker cables, interconnects and phono. The background is blacker than ever. Listening to CDs: I hear background noise in some CD tracks now. At first, I thought I was hearing the S/N of the DAC but it is only on some CDs. I hear studio echo in CD tracks- something that I used to only hear with vinyl. My new DAC/Transport is a whole level higher in detail than my last CD player but now the detail is further enhanced with the GPS-1260. Streaming is dead quiet as well but I can't see how to treat a USB cable. I'm worried about shorting the pins with the stuff. I still need to treat all of my tube pins but I just can't stop listening for now.
You know, the rheostats for automotive fuel level senders are made from a conductive ink silk screened onto a ceramic card. This conductive ink is a paste made of Gold, Paladium and Platinum. A tube of this paste 20 years ago cost about $5000 but it made several thousand sender cards. Used to use a Silver paste but OBDII requirements killed that. The ingredients in GPS-1260 are not cheap.
You know, the rheostats for automotive fuel level senders are made from a conductive ink silk screened onto a ceramic card. This conductive ink is a paste made of Gold, Paladium and Platinum. A tube of this paste 20 years ago cost about $5000 but it made several thousand sender cards. Used to use a Silver paste but OBDII requirements killed that. The ingredients in GPS-1260 are not cheap.