Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?

Not to dig at the genre although I’m not a fan, does Heavy Metal music benefit from an higher resolution systems? I’m not talking about comparing to a cheap box store system, rather, would one benefit moving from an audiophile quality $5-10k to a $100k+system?
Apologies to all for my ignorance re Heavy Metal.  I probably like a few Heavy Medal songs like from Led Zeppelin.  The question arose when I heard a few loud convulsed yelling screeching Heavy Metal songs on the radio which for me grates my soul- like nails in the chalkboard. I get that it’s full of energy and folks can get lost in the fray, but was curious if better audio systems benefited the music.

Thanks all for scratching my curiosity itch.
Just as much as the sleepy garbage the vast majority here claim to like. 100% sure the music is secondary to the hardware though.
very kind of the op to make a thread to trash music they don't like.
"Large scale" reproduction enough to hear resolute sound from that band or any band like it can be done, yes. On a space station.
i disagree.

you have live concerts confused with playback media, whether digital, vinyl or tape. large scale systems, such as mine, in a purpose built, dedicated, 21’ x 29’ x 11’ room with plenty of driver surface, power grid and amplification headroom can certainly do full justice to a heavy metal recording.

how do you suppose they mix and master the recording? it has to work on domestic speakers.

but no one is saying it lives up to the live event. it’s reproduced music.

btw; a space station has tiny interior spaces, and then outside no atmosphere. not music friendly. just say’n.

OTOH space station movie soundtracks are many times beautiful sounding.
Yes it certainly does - I play a lot of metal on a very high-end system -  just like any other genre.... good sound is good sound! 
The idea that tubes and RNR don't mix is silly at best. Most people were still using tube amps in 1969.many good guitarists still do. My 250 CJ wpc was bested by a 35wpc tube amp. Only wish I had known that my first 55-58 yrs on earth. The tube amp was just to wet my appetite to see what all the fuss was about.  Didn't expect it to be that good. My main music is Classic rock. But I am more on the hard Rock * & HM. . I've learned to enjoy other forms of music with a good system which has been a long time in the making. But my system sounds better now than ever on whatever I play. HM, R&R, blue grass, classical, Jazz. Thats with tubes