NY Audio Show

I see its in a new venue this year, still no exhibitor list online though.  Wonder if they will require proof of vaccination.  Cheers
@isochronism Try jumping off a tall building and tell me whether gravity works or not after.
jond, I'd obviously be unable to report back. Again, I'm heavier than air. Although, you being full of hot air ... 😄
Leave it to a Karen to distort the facts. Imagine some authority taking your kid away from you for sadistic reasons meant to deter others and not seeing them for years. 

Ask any psychiatrist about the damage done to a child, let alone the parents. Those who were separated as part of that atrocity are being compensated.

If these were white families being torn apart they’d have better representation in court and you’d see even larger awards as well as prosecutions for what amounts to crimes against humanity.

Not every immigrant is being awarded that judgement.

But that’s all "lib" talk to a Karen, isn’t it?

All the best,
I can only assume those families want to hurry back home as quickly as possible, and avoid the U.S. like the plague, from here on out. What a giant craphole we are. What? They're all staying?? Weird.

NYC resident here. What Tucker says is true. We’re all dead and being replaced from people below the border. I’m one of the last “real Americans” left.

My White Hot Stampers don’t sound good no more. It’s all like listening to “The Long And Winding Road” produced by Phil Spector on 30 rpm because the electricity is fading.


Any thing that happens here is a pale imitation of what would have happened in a truly free state.
