Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?

I want to know if you have been on a journey moving from a large full range speaker to a smaller one paired wit subs, maybe even four subs.

Maybe you moved away from the big speakers because you had too much bass or you got a better soundstage from the smaller speakers. Let me know what motivated you and if you think it’s better now.

My motivation for wanting to try smaller speakers.

I have the Tekton DI and until a month ago I was using a LM845P SET amp to drive them.

It only sounded good on simple jazz and vocals but on complex music everything was falling apart.

I am not playing loud but I think it was the low 2 ohm load in the midrange that made the LM break down.

I bought a used PS Audio BHK250 and pre and it was like getting new speakers. Never ever had it occurred to me that speaker and amp matching could have such a profound effect.

So I am enjoying my speakers now and listen to music I have avoided like the plague and enjoying it (:

But all of this got me thinking, what if I paired my LM845P with an easy to drive speaker and paired it with some subs?

Then the LM845 could do what it's best at, playing glorious midrange and the subs could play the bass.

So that's my motivation for trying smaller speakers.

I am also hoping that maybe I could get better and more even bass with 2 or 4 subs. Maybe a better soundstage because the small speakers have a very small baffle.

random consonants writes:
millercarbon, I didn’t know you had Tekton speakers!!!!

Okay, now I can see how this gets really old. Such a weird phenomena to make sure everyone knows what kind of speakers you have and to only talk about those speakers, over and over and over…….

Take a well deserved break man! It’s boarder line psychotic after a while.

And I also have integers, and tubes, and a Pods and mass, and well frankly there is a rather long list of things that I have. One notably absent from the list is patience with obnoxious arrogant types, especially ones not contributing anything but insults to the conversation. And I know what you’re thinking but don’t bother, there is another list you don’t know about and you just made it in near record time.

I agree 100% with blkwrxwgn. These shameless shills do nothing but overshadow anything of merit which you have ever said. You using the words arrogant and obnoxious concerning another member is a laugh. Enough already!

hahahahaha this is coming from a TEKTON owner!!!!

You won’t find me making up for my lack of whatever it is that you have issues with, I don’t need to talk about the speakers every damn day.

I’m sorry man but you are ridiculous.

I used to stand up for the owners but just a few weeks of this crap and I’m at my last nerves already. You guys think it’s bad here, go to the Facebook page for Tekton.

I asked a question once and people would give answers that had NOTHING to do with what I asked but they would talk about how their speaker was so good, even when it had again nothing to do with the questions I asked. It’s a weird cult.
While I have heard small monitors in confined spaces sound good. My experience is that the best sound is achieved by good quality towers. The tower speakers have been designed for coherence top to bottom. Ample amplification makes for fully fleshed out sound. Additional subwoofers can extend the sound stage and fill in the lowest registers. 
Yes a excellent pair of subs the SVS 3000 micro for $1500 which has dual  apposing 8 inch drivers , and high current mosfet  800 watt amp.
a no brainer with a great extensive control app you can use with any phone or tablet Highly recommended, if you want even more the Svs SB 3000.good  stand mount speakers disappear better 
as well as image better-then big floor-standers , and these subs are very fast and tuneful.