The question or the alleged fact here about "golden ears" must be interpreted in training terms and NOT being a way to classify people...
The important fact is our hearing ability is related proportionately to our own ability to train it ourself everyday by listening experiments and musical training...
The FOCUSED hearing or seeing attention is half of our brain work and PERIPHERAL hearing or seing attention the other half...Imagine a rythm between these 2 halves of your brain and this rythm is controlled by your conscious working on it...Like a ping pong player focusing on the ball and at the same times on the body of his opponent...
Remember one of the geatest mystery in acoustic is that anyone COULD SEE with the right training of his ATTENTION the microdynamic playing tonal timbre of an instrument playing this ONE NOTE like a 3-D object in some space with a complete physionomy like a human figure...This is a LEARNED conscious experience for most of us....
And learning how these interrelated visual cues and auditive cues are possibly translated in one another is one of the most striking experience in musical life and in psycho-acoustic science... Acoustic is key to audiophile life and musical training...Not dac, amplifiers,cables,turntable,or even speakers by themselves....
Acoustic is not electronic engineering, nor a TIMBRE is only a spectrum of frequencies...Timbre is a subjective experienced perception, spectrum is a mathemarical hypothesis about Timbre perception which is anyway UNEXPLAINED for the time being...
A maestro, an acoustician, a piano tuner, a passive audiophile, an experimenting audiophile, an average music consumer, all these are "trained" on a scale that go from almost zero to 100%...
To that we must add innate ability like perfect pitch perception or echolocalization by some blind people...
The true question is NOT whom own "golden ears"...Some few only...
The true question is how do you train your own ears and WHAT do you do for listening experiments and musical training ...
Most people buy a new amplifier and call that an audiophile experience... 😁😊
Some reviewers think seriously that they know much because they had plug 100 costly new amplifiers to a wall and reviewed them ...(mine cost me 100 bucks ) SOUND IS NOT always MUSIC....MUSIC IS NOT always SOUND...An acoustically well informed sound could be good music, but music could be played silently so to speak in the head for example...
And it takes me all my life to learn how to listen to Scriabin and why listening to him for example, and all my life to figure out some acoustic.... Some musicians learn that in the cradle...Some rare blind people know that from the womb...
Golden ears ? we all own some POTENTIAL golden ears, but the NECESSARY training and the INNATE ability scale could vary much....