Bought 8 of them as well as tuning sticks, rocks, gems, crystals and none of that voodoo did a thing. Period.
So how is that for an open mind?
Do make disparaging remarks when you have no clue!
You are easy to classify to it is called a MARK by CON MEN!
Or in the words of PT Barnum "A sucker is born every minuet"
How about Thomas Tusser " A fool and his money are soon parted"
Think you have that tinfoil hat on a we might tight eh?
So my word for you is actually two words Gullible Sucker!
i understand your anger...
And i admit to owe you an apology...
I apologize sincerely for my post...
Indeed you had tried these S.G. and were not experimenting the same thing than me and some others...
I understand that because it is not the first modification we must do anyway in our audio system and room like i had repeateadly said and it is not always audible effect on all acoustic settings or systems...
Then what is easy to verify in some circonstance is not always repeatable in OTHER circonstances...
It is the reason why in all my posts i promote ACOUSTIC treatment and controls FIRST over any other "tweaks" save perhaps vibrations controls and electrical noise floor control....
Then concluding that a cheap S.G. does not work after your experience is not by any means a final word, because it works for many others people... The main reason are linked to the different characteristic of different systems and their specific acoustic environment...
For me the effect of the S.G. grid is easy to verify by disconnecting it gradually or completely but is at the same time a perceptible effect tributary also of other acoustics settings in our room...
I am sorry for my erroneous post about you where i mistakenly confuse you with a closed mind dogmatist .... You are not one... But clearly a free investigative spirit....
My best to you....