I don't know by what mechanism a phono pre or IC's can cause rumble problems the electronic wizards can give you dozens of explanations sometimes they can even find the reason for the problems other times it is all a mystery to them. All I can tell you is this, we have seen some weird and unexplainable things in the years we have been in audio. Once a manufacturer claimed it was a cracked IC board that caused the rumble problem. We have seen phono preamps and IC's that could pickup CB, airline and police broadcasts, electronic noise from passing vehicles and just recently we had one that was able to pickup noise from a flying drone, so picking up noises that can cause rumble is not out of the question. My job is to find the problems and fix them not explain why they happened. I can tell you from experience there have been times when replacing a phono pre or IC's solved a rumble problem. You are correct about considering a platter bearing as a source of a rumble problem many times it is, my bad for not mentioning it. I mentioned the Technics tonearm because we have had so many problems and compatibility issues with them in the past.
I don't know by what mechanism a phono pre or IC's can cause rumble problems the electronic wizards can give you dozens of explanations sometimes they can even find the reason for the problems other times it is all a mystery to them. All I can tell you is this, we have seen some weird and unexplainable things in the years we have been in audio. Once a manufacturer claimed it was a cracked IC board that caused the rumble problem. We have seen phono preamps and IC's that could pickup CB, airline and police broadcasts, electronic noise from passing vehicles and just recently we had one that was able to pickup noise from a flying drone, so picking up noises that can cause rumble is not out of the question. My job is to find the problems and fix them not explain why they happened. I can tell you from experience there have been times when replacing a phono pre or IC's solved a rumble problem. You are correct about considering a platter bearing as a source of a rumble problem many times it is, my bad for not mentioning it. I mentioned the Technics tonearm because we have had so many problems and compatibility issues with them in the past.