Tweak versus method
Buying a ready made "tweak" and seating after that to listen for the audible effect is what most people in the "tweaking" business do, sellers and consumers alike....
It is not my way.... I dont buy costly ready made "tweak" why ?
Not mainly because they are costly, some are not, but because any "tweak" by definition is only a SECONDARY Add-on to the system causing it to improve or not...
"Tweaks" dont solve the THREE PRIMARY problems...
If we speak about an existing audio system, the PRIMARY problems are related to the primary working dimensions of any audio system: electrical noise floor control and decreasing method and devices, mechanical vibrations controls method and devices, and especially acoustical passive treatment and mechanical active control devices and method...
Then a "tweak" is not an experimental set of listenings experiments where we create specific homemade or low cost device solutions...
If we dont adress these 3 working dimensions controls by METHOD and spare our time with only money and buy some "tweak" we dont SOLVE the 3 primary problems, especially the acoustical complex one...
I never recommend any tweak here, especially costly Schuman generator...
I recommend 10 us. bucks chineese one to play with in an experiment...
But ionizers and S.G. CANNOT and NEVER will replace a string of listening experiments in acoustic and psycho-acoustic for example...You cvannot solve room problem with a Schuman Generator....
I "sell" creativity at no cost or peanutrs cost not "tweaks".... If someone buy them it is not my fault...
I wrote at lenght about my listening experiments about acoustic and vibrations controls for example...NONE of my devices cost more than few cents....The more costly are "secondary" devices like ionizers at 20 bucks and S.G. at 10 bucks...
Alleged Snake oiler sellers are always related to snake oiler consumers...
I am neither of one...
Now a concrete exemple of a specific "tweak" and the difference with a method...
For speakers vibration control i read about a "tweak" which consist to place rubber pucks under the speakers... this is a "tweak" that can improve or not the S.Q. But there will be also a possible trade-off with different specfic type of speakers... All puck dont work the exact same results under all type of speakers...
My method here first begins with coupling/decoupling sandwiches of 5 different materials under my speakers...I created this sandwich myself at no cost...After that i bought cheap chinese springs boxes and i created a new way to use them with a dyssimetrical compressive force under 2 sets of 4 with each speaker and a heavy fine tuned damping load of concrete for the compressive force all that by listening experiments...
The results were astounding....A method could sove optimally at no cost a problem.... A "tweak" cannot...A "tweak" can be a good add-on, or a detrimental one with a trade-off which we are complety unconscious about, because we had not plan any complementary experiments to improve it or discount it...We act without method....
I dont need pucks under my speaker...Not because "tweak" dont work at all , they work, but a more systematical approach focusing on the three PRIMARY problems is more fertile work than just a " plaster" sometimes on an open wound... And using a puck or buying a sophisticated puck system sold like a "tweak" is not the solution for me....
Then if someone TRY a "tweak" like a cheap Schuman generator, it is a playful experiments i suggested here not a solution for the three main primary problems in audio at all....
No tweak replace method and no tweak replace acoustic control.... None....
Buying a ready made "tweak" and seating after that to listen for the audible effect is what most people in the "tweaking" business do, sellers and consumers alike....
It is not my way.... I dont buy costly ready made "tweak" why ?
Not mainly because they are costly, some are not, but because any "tweak" by definition is only a SECONDARY Add-on to the system causing it to improve or not...
"Tweaks" dont solve the THREE PRIMARY problems...
If we speak about an existing audio system, the PRIMARY problems are related to the primary working dimensions of any audio system: electrical noise floor control and decreasing method and devices, mechanical vibrations controls method and devices, and especially acoustical passive treatment and mechanical active control devices and method...
Then a "tweak" is not an experimental set of listenings experiments where we create specific homemade or low cost device solutions...
If we dont adress these 3 working dimensions controls by METHOD and spare our time with only money and buy some "tweak" we dont SOLVE the 3 primary problems, especially the acoustical complex one...
I never recommend any tweak here, especially costly Schuman generator...
I recommend 10 us. bucks chineese one to play with in an experiment...
But ionizers and S.G. CANNOT and NEVER will replace a string of listening experiments in acoustic and psycho-acoustic for example...You cvannot solve room problem with a Schuman Generator....
I "sell" creativity at no cost or peanutrs cost not "tweaks".... If someone buy them it is not my fault...
I wrote at lenght about my listening experiments about acoustic and vibrations controls for example...NONE of my devices cost more than few cents....The more costly are "secondary" devices like ionizers at 20 bucks and S.G. at 10 bucks...
Alleged Snake oiler sellers are always related to snake oiler consumers...
I am neither of one...
Now a concrete exemple of a specific "tweak" and the difference with a method...
For speakers vibration control i read about a "tweak" which consist to place rubber pucks under the speakers... this is a "tweak" that can improve or not the S.Q. But there will be also a possible trade-off with different specfic type of speakers... All puck dont work the exact same results under all type of speakers...
My method here first begins with coupling/decoupling sandwiches of 5 different materials under my speakers...I created this sandwich myself at no cost...After that i bought cheap chinese springs boxes and i created a new way to use them with a dyssimetrical compressive force under 2 sets of 4 with each speaker and a heavy fine tuned damping load of concrete for the compressive force all that by listening experiments...
The results were astounding....A method could sove optimally at no cost a problem.... A "tweak" cannot...A "tweak" can be a good add-on, or a detrimental one with a trade-off which we are complety unconscious about, because we had not plan any complementary experiments to improve it or discount it...We act without method....
I dont need pucks under my speaker...Not because "tweak" dont work at all , they work, but a more systematical approach focusing on the three PRIMARY problems is more fertile work than just a " plaster" sometimes on an open wound... And using a puck or buying a sophisticated puck system sold like a "tweak" is not the solution for me....
Then if someone TRY a "tweak" like a cheap Schuman generator, it is a playful experiments i suggested here not a solution for the three main primary problems in audio at all....
No tweak replace method and no tweak replace acoustic control.... None....