Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Vaccination is a personal medical issue and decision. Should be discussed with your physician not debated or discussed on the internet in a hifi forum in particular. 

dseltz, there you go again with the facts. You’re trying to relate to those who refuse to listen because it doesn’t square with the (supposed) reality they desire to live in.


Why is there so much hate here?  Are people hating because other people have different opinions?   Who cares, really who the hell cares if opinions are different, why is this a problem.   Where do any of you get off thinking that your opinion is anymore important than anyone else?   Your opinion means everything to you just like there opinion means everything to them.  What a bunch of inconsiderate.   aholes.   Really sick of the you better think like me or I will bring on the hate.  You are very ugly people.  Here is an idea, grow up and try to respect others.  Stop thinking your opinion is the only opinion.  Do I want to post this, yeah and I don't give a f.  

Post removed 

+1 mapman

+1 pcc67

Oh yeah, almost forgot the important thing...

Get Well Soon Ron (and Family)...