Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube



"Zuckerberg's original name was Greenberg. Probably changed to throw people off that his Grandfather was David Rockefeller. CIA is behind Facebook. I've NEVER joined or even saw a Facebook page, no thanks."    

Tell me. Do you have a spreadsheet to keep track of all the conspiracy theories?

Try listening to people that aren't nuts.    


Disclaimer: Where used the word "hear" I more accurately should have used "research". Btw, I got rid of Television in early 2006. Never missed it for a second.

If someone look for truth the only way in a field where we are not expert, is looking for experts that are not PAID for...In my list i had 2 nobel winner prize and 2 inventors of the 2 main technology used in these pandemy among other experts i even have 2 world renowned vaccines experts who has worked at the highest level of this technology in corporations but dare to spell their truth at high cost for them...I forgot 2 of the most well known doctors in the world influential in the treatment of covid at their own risk at the cost of retributions from corporations...Why they would spell their truth for NO PERSONAL gain?

They are all censored....

None of my experts are paid by an agency, or a corporations, or a government...

All these experts had many things to loss and nothing to gain by saying their truth...This do not prove that they are right at all but this prove that we at least must listen to them very ATTENTIVELY...


After the experts in research and medecine we must look for the general socio-political-economical forces at play in this pandemy... ( i dont speak here about the Rockfeller cult by conspiracionist)

But it is a bit naive to think that putting money in medecine will not totally pervert the relation between a doctor and his patient...

This part of research is really easier to look for anyway... It is only a pyramid of power and greed easy to spot...


After that connecting all dots in a probability bayesian grid and we can decide what is the right decision for ourself without judging others...



But beware the price to stay awake is only an added burden... Then go back to sleep if you dont want to think...


Tony your reading skills suck, I'm sure they are directly related to your personality.   I stated I am not anti Vax.  But your to busy doing the best you can to disrespect people.  Your great personality shining thru.  Now I understand  why you don't know anyone with covid, because you have no friends.   If most people don't know anyone who got covid than why get Vax?  Your quote not mine.  I personally know about 20 people who had covid plus a friend of mine who died last year so I don't deny it exist.