Thoughts from THE Show, is $29k the new $10k?

Had another enjoyabe brief one day visit to THE Show, Newport Beach last weekend. Great to see so many fellow hobbiests, and great gear. Went in search of speakers; here is a brief and disjointed summary of my impressions:
Many vendors were focusing on the $25-32k range; with most for sale around $29k as an entry point to 'quality'.
Rockport showed their new entry, $29k speaker in the Atrium. Had great balance; was warm, detailed, and engaging. First show presence for dealer; nice guy. My first experience with Rockport; was very impressed.
Eficion: at the Hilton; wow; for $16k I think it gives Wilson a run for its money with the Sophia; its AMT ribbon tweeter had great crystal highs, and its large woofer filled the room with satisfying bass, I enjoyed it.
BMC: nice gear; their $32k speakers had dipole arrangement; with both front and rear firing speakers; very engaging, huge sound stage, and great low end response. Paired up nicely with their amp/dac
YG: brought my own CD; so I was familiar with what was possible; initialy liked their sound;but in the end found it a bit 'dry', and brittle; and not totally enjoyable, this was at at least three different rooms showing their speakers.
Wilson Shasha's in the Brooks-Barden room; always a treat; enjoyed their room treatments, and professionalism, nice analog set up. Warm, detailed, lovely, and engaging.
Ventures: wow, very expensive; and very large...but totally engaging; great integration, warm, detailed, expansive sound stage, great bass, huge open subtle nuance on female voices...
Ayon: liked their Lumen White's better last year, than their own speaker line this year, but great amps and dac.
Found the KEF blades a bit disappointing, surprised at how large they are in person.
Enjoyed the TAD speakers again this year, well balanced, integrated very well.
There was a 'curved' line array speaker; I forget its name that also was quite good, interesting design, but filled the room with great sound; no glare.
The Veloce gear, with its battery source was extremely 'quiet' and detailed, and enjoyable.
Surprised how many room utilized the Synergistic Research ART treatments...hard to tell how it improved things; but can't argue with the results.
Too much to see and listen to in one brief day. Curious to hear from other members their take....I know you don't need to spend so much to get quality sound, but so many vendors showing off their $29k speakers made me want to chuckle; and take out a home loan...also thought the digital and computer audio was getting very close now to the analog rigs.
Love having this showcase in our backyard on the west coast; and will contiue to support and attend. Kudos to Bob Levi; and his team at LA/OC audio society; another great job; and Tierney Sutton singing on Friday night was an extra special treat.
"There has long been a market for very expensive equipment new, by the standards of the day, and this equipment passes down to lesser mortals as the flavor of the month makes those pieces 'obsolete.'

If true, and it well may be, then this essentially says that this expensive gear is overpriced and will not maintain value. USed prices probably support that. Nothing unusual though. Few items, luxury or otherwise, including cars, retain value. I guess if you can truly afford these things, you do not care much about depreciation. Must be nice!

But what about those who stretch and really cannot afford these things? Different story and perhaps more likely not a happy ending?
I truly believe that someone in this hobby that spends "more than they should" likely appreciates the gear more. My long time dealer of 20+ years had these people come into his store all the time, rolling up in a $90k BMW or Mercedes (the new Ford-like junk that is always in the shop), with a total attitude and big bank account. They did not even care to really listen much to the speakers or equipment, just wanted "the best" they had, something as good (or better) than their neighbor had. Even though he would make larger commisions on these customers, he always favored actually dealing/spending time with customer like me that are not rich and still try like hell to buy the best gear they can afford.... and are spending more than they really should by most people standards on their hobby.
"They did not even care to really listen much to the speakers or equipment, just wanted "the best" they had, something as good (or better) than their neighbor had."

Well, honestly I think just about any salesperson likes customers like this. I know I did years ago working for essentially minimum wage + commissions selling gear at Tech Hifi, Lafayette Radio, and Radio Shack. The most expensive gear offered at any of these still offered value for most. However, there were some clunkers even at the top of the lines that I would always try to steer people away from. Those big top of the line Radio Shack/Realistic Mach horn loaded speakers ($400/pair list I recall) are the ones that come to mind that many might remember. BIC turntables (crappy sound poor build quality and always breaking) were another.
I tend to agree with the feeling that lots of expensive speakers are priced so just because they can. Price doesn't necessarily equate quality.

I came across the Athom GT-1s and thought they were wonderful sounding. A small monitor (stand mounted) in the $3.6K range that I could happily live with if I could afford it. I wouldn't even need a sub. Coplands 'Fanfare For The Common Man' was playing and I couldn't believe the bass, coherence, timing and smoothness of this little gem. They were the entry level of their upper range and they had the top of the line of their lower range (a floorstander) for the same price for comparison. I didn't get a chance to here the lower line speaker and frankly, didn't care to.

They also had the Aphion Ion+ which, I'm sorry to say, although nice sounding, paled in comparison to the Athom to the point that even with the price difference, I'd go for the Athom and worry about the monthly payments later. Granted, it was in a different system but if short term, basic impressions matter any, then it was no contest.

I don't know what you're looking for and what price you're willing to pay but if you can, you should give the Athom GT-1 an audition.

All the best,
THe Athom's are $4000/pair?

Interesting they are French made by a guy formerly with Triangle. They reminded me of my Triangle Titus XS speakers at first glance. Except almost 10X the price of those ~ 15 years later?