Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


Artemis_5 ... thanks. I think the answer to most of your questions... Is CONTROL. They love the control. I suspect many of them behind our noveau fascism were noseplug kids who felt slighted and powerless when they were young.


This type of person is wired differently.... they think they are smarter than the rest of us...remain blindly committed to good intentions in spite of overwhelming outcomes to the contrary...they love the idea of people but can’t seem to get along too well with real ones...and most damaging in my opinion, their end ALWAYS justifies their means.


+1 nonoise and others. Opinions, sure, pick one. Facts, however, are stubborn things which don't change just because you refuse to accept them. Refusal, as COVID has been proving for nearly two years, can be fatal. Many people are willing to die, have died, are dying, for their counterfactual beliefs. Docs and nurses all have stories of people diagnosed with terminal COVID whose last words were "it can't be COVID, COVID is a hoax." So I guess their dying is ok, seeing that they have nobody but themselves to blame.

And we're told that CDC, staffed by certified experts with decades of experience in the field of immunology, isn't credible? OK, then please tell us who IS credible, and on what foundation their expertise rests. And please notice that even the most highly trained humans, like all human artifacts such as vaccines and loudspeakers, are still fallible, never 100% perfect every day, in every way. Deniers are saying "if it's not perfect, then it's a worthless fraud." Yeah,maybe in their Manichean fantasy universe. Out here in the real world, things are a bit less tidy, but much more sane.

Massive vaccination mandates are pure political hubris delirium... They have nothing nothing to do with the epidemiology complex rules control steps in the past with a coronavirus which mutate swiftly ...

This virus is NOT a flu but act like one...We must act like with a flu: using PROVEN easy cheap drugs for most whom are healthy or young, not putting the safe drugs out of reach for all and for the FREE doctor who want to use them, and we must act with a vaccination of all health compromised people older one only in priority...Isolating those with symptoms NOT the complete population is sane method in the past... And we must use mask in close long encounter or in heavy populated places... Is it not simple?

Forced mandates are not medecine....At all....Mandates to vaccinates children, or woman with baby in their womb with a mRNa vaccine is insane....


Reason and fear are not friends...

i am flabbergasted by the level of delirium in medecine fields where money interest is all over the place... A doctor is NOT a scientist AT ALL , even if scientifically educated for sure, it is a FREE educated man who pledge to God to help you, BEFORE any money profit for his institution or even against all profit imposed measures by anyone...

Medecine is an ART not a science. those who say the opposite are not free man but robot serving a master which is not our health at all but CONTROL...In medecine art, human interaction and TRUST between doctor and patient are half of the treatment and not always the less potent one but the MOST socially important one for sure...

Why do you think the medecine community in RICH countries is polarized world wide in half?

One half against a mass vaccination the other half promoting it...

Think about what is the greatest change in medecine for the last 50 years : the growing power of pharmaceutical industries to put all doctors in their schakles...

Can't ever top you, nonoise ... won't even try...you are the smartest guy in the room.  Please continue to save us from ourselves...for we know not what we do.

Is it me or did you just pull back the curtain and reveal yourself to be nothing more than a troll? That's a load off my mind. 👍

Artemis_5 ... thanks. I think the answer to most of your questions... Is CONTROL. They love the control. I suspect many of them behind our noveau fascism were noseplug kids who felt powerless when they were young.

 There's a lot of projection in that statement. 

All the best,
