Update From Ron New Day Record Covid 19 Battle

Ron and his whole family have been battling Covid for a month. This is a update he posted on YouTube. Good to hear things are improving and wishing him and family the best.


Watch "Where have I been? Covid-19" on YouTube


hartf36 Are you conscious that your post content is a political rant like those you attack rightfully or not?

Sorry mahgister, but this time you're painfully wrong on this one. HIs post was a medical one based on his expertise on the subject. The fact that he points out how wrong others are due to their politics doesn't make his doing so political.

And, don't you just love the censorship going on from the snowflakes who rail against it? What blatant hypocracy and cowardness on display.

All the best,


You learn a lot from threads like this in a hifi forum.  About people.  That's about it.

Easy to verify...

Oh, I fully expect they are!

Kind of like that Federalist article "documenting" how masks were hazardous to children! Maybe we should just peruse a few issues of that one - I’m sure we’ll stumble across something that talks about Tony Fauci’s iron-fisted control of Big Pharma (in partnership with George Soros) and his minority interest in the Rothschild’s space lasers! ⚡⚡




Your reaction resemble a child reaction when he "proudly" spot an error in the discourse of a grown up...

Uhmm OK, so read further in that asinine post by @artemus_5:

"Why is the vaccine mandated or lose your job?"

Why have vaccines always been mandated for children if they want go to school? Same reason. They don't call it PUBLIC HEALTH just for giggles, you know?

"Why do you still need a mask IF the vaccine works?"

Because vaccines are NEVER, EVER 100% effective, and you can be transmissive anytime you are infected, whether you are symptomatic or not. Exactly as with Influenza, measles, etc. etc.  As pointed out ad nauseum by every expert everywhere, while ignored in the fever swamps of the internet.

"Why is ivermectin, hydrochloroguine et al not allowed to be used despite its efficacy rate?"

There is no established "efficacy rate" for either of these. Just anecdotal nonsense. YOU tell ME why anti-parisitcal medications *would* be efficacious against a VIRUS? All real studies have shown hydroxchloroquine to be ineffective. Both have side effects as well. Yes, vaccines have side effects, but they are also efficacious.

"Why is the vaccine mandated even on those who have had Covid and have better immunity than the vaccine gives?"

Evidence is now clear that in fact, "natural" antibody response is not as effective as the mRNA vaccines. And no one knows the length of antibody activity at this time.

So, @mahgister6, you tell me whether, in light of the baseless nonsense in the rest of his post, I should assume he a) obviously knew what he was talking about, but made a simple ommission, or b) he's clueless about biology and vaccines?  If you choose a) then I submit you are hopeless. And, it's not my job to pick out the rare omission out of a trough of swill.

Sorry, but we "children" are wont to read and react to the tone and content of the entire post/response, instead of instead of working ourselves up into a slathering froth on perusing merely the response lede.