Headphones vs full range speakers

I've never had any really high end headphones. I had like a $500 pair of Seinhauser earbuds for a while. I thought they sounded really good even pushing off a phone. Question is who has gone from listening to speakers for your main listening pleasure to headphones or vice versa. Can get something like the top of the line Focal Utopia headphones while pricey they are in line with "mid grade" speakers. 

I don't entertain often at all and the wife does not listen anymore. Just started thinking why not simplify and get some kick butt headphones. 


I have used Focal Chorus 836VW for a long time as front speakers. Now , they are used as rears in my HT system.  They are much too good for that specific use , but 

I would not have had much if I had sold theme to buy averadge speakers for rears.

I never said that headphones were bad....

I only say that speakers WELL ACOUSTICALLY implemented in a room can beat them...

From my experience....

by the way i begin my audio journey preparing my retirement and pledging to create a headphone system more useful for many reason than my Speakers...I sold my 2 pair of dual concentric Speakers and bought headphones...

During the last 6 months i put all my headphones in the closet... COMPLETE REVERSAL of my knowledge and situation...

I only use headphones on rare occasion.   I've got a nice Quicksilver headphone amp, grado rs2e, Klipsch HP3 and while they are good for private listening , they don't come close to a quality set of speakers and amplification.  

Good headphone rigs sound great within the context of what they are I guess, but they don't have the scale and impact of speakers and when they do too much of it isn't good for your hearing .

I think the most important thing concerning headphones is comfort. No matter how great they sound if they're too heavy or don't fit well, you won't get the maximum enjoyment. My headphones fit me comfortably, I can listen to them for hours (I listen maybe 30% compared with speakers). I'd also suggest a quality headphone amp for the best performance.

@ghdprentice pretty much nailed it. With headphones you lose some soundstaging  and the visceral feel of the sound on your skin but you'll likely hear more low level detail, channel gimmickry (good or bad) and they take out the room affect factor.