What’s hot in monitors from $2K to $3K in 2012?

Hi folks… yeah, it’s been a while and this looks like my next quest. Any help would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been out of the loop for a bit.

I suppose I’m looking now, for some monitors to use as mains for audio mostly but for some movie time too. About 60/40 split, music – films.

They should reach down to 35hz flat. Disappear. Be neutral and as transparent as is possible for speakers at this level. 8 ohm preffered. 90db sensitivity should work, give or take a db. Imaging too is a biggie for me… but always, always, it’s about naturalness. Lifelike. Organic sounding.

Room is about 14 x 20 with speakers on the short wall. Power is by 150 – 170 wpc amps, depending on the mood. Currently it’s either a 150 x 5 Butler multi, or a 170 wpc Odyssey Stratos plus SS. Hopefully I’ll add a good digital pair of mono blocks later on like BC 500s.

Floor standers or stand mounted will work, but prefer something on stands I suppose. I think I’d like that look better.

Thanks for any thoughts on speaker choices within this criteria… or near it.
The Vapor Audio Aurora will go flat to 35hz and is a stand mounted 2-way, and is $2695/pair. I've spoken with Vapor about it recently, and they said it has a new ceramic dome tweeter that is supposed to be fantastic, and with no price increase.
For almost any monitor, regardless of price, 35Hz flat is utopia. In your price range, I would recommend LSA1 Statement speakers.