Rel Does Not Recomment Isolation Stands

This came as a surprise. I had just assumed that it should be isolated. Then I discover I was wrong. after doing some research for isolation for mine.  Even though I am NOT electronics engineer I think this is an interesting subjet idea. Pardon my utter ignorance. I should have known there was an opposing view. Always is. Just didn't think of it

Rel's Integration



I understand. As I said, I was somewhat shocked when I learned this. From an engineering standpoint, it seems wrong. However, I have had them for 15-20 yrs and they sound great to me. Integrating with the speakers is very easily done too. Once they are setup, they add much more than just deep bass. That said, I’m still thinking of the ramifications of this " Controlled Rattle" system of integration.

I’ll probably file this along with the cables which also make a difference despite but don’t measure good

jtcf, some subs like the REL bottom firing units can really rock the joint. I use to really like it, but things change. That's one, I don't drink so cranking the system is usually an occasion but not the norm.

Raising a bass unit UP is one of the thing REL does rather nicely. The BOTTOM sub just need a butt plate or slot load it and use and air bag to decouple. Stack 2,3,4 high, ALL are decoupled because the bottom one was. I like that idea..:-)



"Even though I am NOT electronics engineer I think this is an interesting subjet..."

Since we're dealing with what sounds "good"-that alone is debated  endlessly, Engineering white papers docs, graphs, charts etc. only go so far. 

Anything aftermarket, best to just try and decide with your own ears.

Thanks for posting this, @artemus_5. I’m shopping for a sub, and REL was at the top of my list. The sub is going to be on a suspended floor, and any rattle will be unacceptable. I think it likely that I would buy an isolation platform, but if using it means the sub doesn’t perform satisfactorily, then I won’t use a sub. 


@tablejockey "best to just try and decide with your own ears” Correct, if test is blind (listener does not know which specific cable is used). In 99% opinion-reviews, cables are ranked by “looking good more expensive is better point”  not performance.