DISCUSSION: "It only comes out at night". Does anyone else have this experience!?

In my listening experience, whatever system you have, whatever components, whatever the material, medium, one thing always seems to remain constant. It ALWAYS sounds better in the deep and still of the night!!!


Is it because night time is generally quieter? Is it because the world of electronics is then shielded from the SUN? Is it because there is less demand on the electrical service?


Whatever it is, there is one thing I know for sure, music sounds better late into the night!


@artemus_5 ... I always believed that to be true with the power grid. I do now have a power conditioner, that supposedly breaks down the incoming AC into the UPS batteries, then reconstructs it to perfect voltage and sine wave. Despite that, I still believe that to be a factor, don't know how or why I can, but I do.


I also have a power conditioner but maybe it has less to strain out at night. I don’t know. But There is probably more to it also. IE, even though I am retired I find it hard to get into listening during the day. I feel like I need to be accomplishing something. And there is plenty to do. So I can’t really put myself fully into it. I am a big believer that mood may be the #1 determining factor in listening pleasure. At least for me.

As for the car running better, I was 16 yr old & had a 58 ford w a 312 Tbird engine. The nice thing about that car was that it has a scoop built into the center of the hood which they placed a Ford emblem. I knocked that emblem out and put screen wire in it so that I had cold air induction almost straight into the carb. I think that made the difference. I know she would eat 283 Chevy’s up. Fun days living in my ignorant bliss 😀

For sure ambient noise levels lower for many, typically in mid 40's db during day, can get down to mid 20's late at night. The dark also adds to sense of realism, I have black out shades over all windows, also helps to block out external ambient noise. Electric grid is of lesser importance as I use power conditioning.