Weiss 501 DAC

Anyone running the Weiss 501 as preamp/DAC straight into a power amp or active speakers? How does it sound? Thanks

@metaldetektor Oh sorry bang for my buck was 12 grand US for an Aurender N20 I could have spent more and gone for the N30 but I'm happy, very happy with the N20 and it's a one box solution which I like.

If you think I'm cheaping out good luck to you with your Roon and Nodes and other assorted shite.

I'm a best quality guy and if that comes from wherever I'm on it,

Thank you very much.


When you start mixing in ignorant politics, I lose patience and interest.

Over and out!


When you start mixing in ignorant politics, I lose patience and interest.

Over and out!

Who said a freaking thing about politics?

Guess reading comprehension is an issue eh?

I don't think you were ever tuned in.



@melm This is exactly what I said.



I am sure the folks at Bel Canto, Border Patrol, Bryston, Simaudio, McIntosh….would argue no.

May be the rage for cheap. 

Chinese DACs is where it's at now


If you are talking about this: It is not politics it is HUMAN RIGHTS. AND FACTS

@melm did I say that?

No I did not. And there many European companies making top line DAC’s

So enjoy your day. BTW Denafrips just had a price increase.

Engineers do not build DACs in China slave labor does. Engineers in China reverse engineer Western products, enhance them to a degree and sell them in the West.

Also the DAC was invented by an American.