TMR Audio; Never Again

First off thanks for the community for trying to help me with the Aurender A10 over the weekend, though I never did get it to play music. Turns out it wasn't my incompetence THIS time, it's defective. I just spoke to Ari from Aurender who DID call me back, TMR never did, still waiting. TMR was uncooperative ignoring me totally. Never again!


After hearing the WHOLE story and not just the version from @joeyfed55, it’s obvious that Joey fed the Forum a pile of bullshit. I’ve never done business with TMR, either, but after reading the response from Josh the owner, I will do so in the future.

People like the OP should be banned from Social Media until they pull the stick out of their arse.

TMR is good place to buy, I have good  experience with them, Highly recommended. Joey you will be help by Josh. This company is a good one.

I've purchased 2 items from TMR.

Like others stated, I had nothing but a first class, positive experience with them and would not hesitate to buy from them again.


I think that TMR should've called the OP first thing on Monday instead of sending another email asking for details.  The OP bought an expensive (> $3k) equipment and it wasn't working on arrival - shouldn't that have been an adequate flag for TMR? TMR should have fixed the issue before responding on this forum - that would've been a better approach. I don't see the OP at fault here.

I'm a big fan of TMR. They are the only "institutional buyer" in the audiophile space that I know of--buying at wholesale prices and flipping for used prices. That's a tricky business model to get right, and I'm impressed with what they've accomplished. iBuyers have to staff acquisitions and due diligence teams, sales and marketing teams, figuring out how to warehouse and ship gear, maintain financing backers or lines of credit, and they have to price gear in such a way as to account for the time items will take to resell and the interest the loans will accrue all while turning a profit. I think it's wonderful we have an iBuyer in our hobby, and I'm grateful that TMR is as good as they are. 

iBuyers provide value on both sides of the equation: a convenient sale and immediate liquidity for sellers and tested gear for second-hand buyers from a trusted source. I prefer to buy most of my used gear through TMR because of their consistent experience. Buying from individuals can be a crap shoot by comparison--having to deal with exchanging gear for payment between non-professionals while being sensitive to the possibility of a scam. I'm not affiliated with TMR. I'm just a businessman myself who knows when he's being served by a great business. Keep up the great work @tmraudio