So where do you fall in the spectrum.? Gear or Music?

Form me it is about the music but I like having nice gear to hear it with.



 They're just toddlers with keyboards. 

Truer words have not been spoken. Great piece on the cultural analysis of audio hobbyists in Japan. I truly wonder if it wholly applies here though.

All the best,

@hilde45   “They’re just toddlers with a keyboard.” 

👍 I really wish I had come up with that one! 

Why does the question have to be framed as an "or"? 

We can have both. 

Just listening to the gear is not the point, it is a vehicle. 

As to relative sonic merits, I'm most interested in how "regular" records sound, not "audiophile spectaculars"- thus, the baseline is for commercial records from the '50s through the late '70s. If it a question of where my personal priorities lie, that would lean toward music. But, I can usually find good sonic representations of good performances. There is so much music out there....