Selling off Tubes for Solid State, A Cooler Love Story?

I've always sought out Primaluna gear as my end all be all gear. I started with an integrated, then went to separates and have been very, very happy. What has given me such good sound, is also causing the room temperature to be somewhat annoying. Being in a little shoe box room of 10x15, I've had to result to opening a window, which is becoming tiresome. 

The heat from just the KT88's is causing me to considering going solid state, which will be in preparation for the Summer in my tiny upstairs room. I'd like to possibly get a second amp for the summer months, but am not sure where to start with solid state amps. Do I pick up a BHK? Do I go all in on a used Ypsilon or Dartzeel? What did you look for in a solid state amp and where should I look? I BHK I could test drive at home, but a used Ypsilon I wouldn't able able to try and would just have to pull the trigger. Any advice or guidance is appreciated. 


OR pick up a low cost second-hand Class-D or smaller SS A/B amp for 3 months out of the year.  Keep the PL for cooler darker months when you are inside listening anyhow.

Read up on summer amps.  More than a few do this in order to keep their big Class -A SS or multi tube amps around. 


Wells is very warm-sounding without generating the heat of a Pure Class A amp.

As usual, @jjss49 is plugged into my brain so I’ll just echo his thoughts.  Read the AGD reviews, and they’ve recently launched a stereo version that’d be worth a good look.  The only other thought I have is there are some very good Class-A amp manufacturers that offer their amps with a hi/low bias switch (Clayton, Plinius) that might give you a nice compromise.  Or, maybe look at Valvet amps that I’d view as Class-A lite and may give you what you’re looking for depending on the sensitivity/power needs of your speakers.  Just some other food for thought, and best of luck. 

Modern solid state is voiced  midway between the golden sound of tubes and the crisp cleanliness of s/s

as many experienced hands have noted, modern solid state amps at the upper tier use various technologies and techniques to produce a sound that gives the best of both

perhaps the most articulate among the makers is nelson pass, who describes how he and his crew dial in small, desired amounts of even order harmonic distortion into their amps to provide that tubey goodness our ears crave in reproduced music -- all the while producing the tuneful, deep, taut, powerful bass that can only be approximated by the tippy top massive tube amps

well made, powerful class a amps do the same, as does alberto at agd with his brilliant take on ga-n tech - now, powerful class a stuff still produces a good amount of heat, but there are no tubes to replace, bias, burn out, and so on

a really wonderful time to be in this hobby