Sound System on $10K Budget

All, sorry if this has been asked a million times before. I am looking to build a home audio system from scratch and want to keep it under $10K. I have no idea where to start, and scrolling through this forum has just made me more overwhelmed. For context, I have a headphone setup (Meze Empyrean and HD 800S and a Vioelectric V280/1). Unfortunately, I haven't used the system in over a year--I find it too difficult given all the wires, turning my desktop on, etc. As such, I am looking to put in a home audio system that I can more casually listen to as I work, cook, etc.

The room I am putting the system in is 34 x 20 with 12 foot ceilings. I am looking for a system that is just all around good (jack of all trades master of none) given the budget. I will not be doing any room treatments, etc (not worth the marginal benefit and I am not looking for perfection here). The system will be used daily for TV and for music. As far as genres, I really like everything, but skew towards alternative/indie/pop/rock. I am guessing I will want a sub, but I have no idea and am flexible. I was thinking two loudspeakers, but I am flexible.

FWIW, I don't really believe in expensive cables and think it is a waste of the budget at this price point, but I am open to other opinions. I am open to buying used equipment (I actually prefer used equipment--I believe quality audio equipment should last forever). Overall goal is simplicity + all around good. 



Another example of someone rallying against something they know nothing of. “My cheap (insert product A here) is as good as your expensive (insert product B here)”

Budget systems have a place and can sound very good. But it’s not the best environment to judge cables. The chief enemy of good is better and sometimes you do get what you pay for. I’ve heard not one 600.00 system that can outperform a well put together 10k one. Doubt you have either.

The OP is looking for a system that serves music and video in a way I feel is different from most of us, is a casual listener while focused on other things. Room is 30 x 20 x 12 feet. OP does not wish to involk room treatments. Sources are TV and phone. Looking for a 2 channel, maybe 2.1, system. Wants to minimise cable use. Has a budget up to but less than 10K.

I believe a pair of floor standing speakers would provide the required efficiency (resulting from a true 8 ohm speaker having 90+dB sensitivity) that could be driven by an SS integrated amplifier providing no more that 100wpc and which contains an onboard DAC having optical coax and USB inputs. Cables required: 1 power cord, 2 digital cables, 1 pair of interconnects, 1pair speaker cables. I also believe the OP may be well satisfied with such a system at a budget well under 10K. 




May want to look at one of the Lyngdorf integrated amps. If you could find a used TDIA 3400 for around 5k and spend another 4.5k on large speakers. $500 bucks on cables or less. The Room correction is really really good and in a big room with no treatments I believe would make a huge difference. 

OP, you could do something like the new Sonus Faber Lumina V tower speakers($2800) along with a nice used Anthem STR Integrated amplifier @200 wpc($3200 now on us audiomart). The STR has home theater bypass in case you later want to incorporate a multi-channel system for movies, as well as a nice DAC and MC and MM phono inputs. And the STR also include Anthem’s ARC room correction.


Don’t let anybody here scoff at the Lumina V. I recently heard them at a dealer and they are a great bargain, as the sound quality is impressive. The vocals are just incredible. We compared them to the Sonetto VIII on the same system and the Lumina just don’t give that much up to the Sonetto.