When using jumper cables instead of biwire speaker cables, do the jumpers need to be as good a quality or better than the actual quality of the  speaker wires? The jumpers need to be 6” to 9” long. Also is it better to hook the main speaker wires to the low end and then run the jumpers to the high end or visa versa?


Ideally they would be the same wire as the speaker wire. I sometime do on on the top and one on the bottom honestly not a big difference. 

Through trial and lots of error, I found that using the same jumpers as your speaker wire are the way to go. They sound every bit as good as going bi-wire to me.

All the best,

News Flash! EVERYTHING MATTERS!!! Even 6” of wire. I have shotgun bi-wire spade cables and I STILL use banana jumpers, and it’s one of the best tweaks I’ve found and won’t listen without the jumpers. It’s crazy at a certain level how EVERYTHING matters in this stupid hobby of ours, but it just does. BTW, hook your cables to the lower binding posts as that’s where the power need is greatest.

To answer your question more directly, yeah it’s probably best to use the same cable for jumpers if you really like your speaker cables. That said, if you have big $$$ cables and it’s really expensive to make jumpers from them, I personally think if you pick cheaper but still good-quality jumpers that exhibit similar characteristics as your cables you’ll probably still be pretty happy and certainly better off than using the crap straps usually included with speakers. My cables are Acoustic Zen and jumpers are Stereovox (now Black Cat), and Chris Sommovigo was actually the guy who introduced me to the concept of using jumpers with shotgun cables and SO glad he did. Ignore jumpers, or anything really, at your peril. Hope this helps, and best of luck.

Hook the speaker cables to the woofers and the jumpers to the high frequency drivers. You can us a higher gauge wire for the jumpers if you like. If you are using 10 gauge on the woofers use 12 gauge for the high frequency drivers. Does any of this make a difference? No, not at all. Listen for yourself. Switch the wires around and experiment. You will not hurt anything. The instruction I gave above is convention and theoretically the right way to do it as the woofers usually demand more current.