The Boss is the Bo$$

Bruce Springsteen gets paid

I lost interest after Darkness but, good for Bruce.


@tablejockey  - I know the owner of a small record label who has an agent that works with creators of advertising content to place songs from his company's catalog. Was shocked at how much advertisers pay. I'm sure Sony is going to be working overtime to recoup their investment...

i never understood the allurement of Bruce.And I certainly disagree that he saved R&R.  I remember hearing him when he 1st came out. OK at best IMO. Buying vinyl in lots back in the early 00's I acquired several of his. I've tried to listen but its just not my cup of tea. But that's just me. If you like his music, then thats fine. just my opinion worth what you paid for it.

On a different note, I had a foreman who worked with/for me who was from NJ. He really enjoyed telling how he kicked Bruce out of his house one evening. Bruce was jamming in the basement while Joe was trying to sleep. Of course Bruce went on to be famous after that incident.

Cool story artemus.

The early albums aren't the best in SQ, but after weeding a few copies of Darkness, I've got a "stamper" level that's a great demo LP. Easy cheap bin find.

Candy's Room, Streets of Fire, Darkness on the Edge of Town at  full throttle on SOTA is an experience.


tablejockey, that Springsteen record is my favorite of all of his recordings, not that it matters to anyone but me.  But still.  I find it a magnificent achievement.