Not manufactured any more.

I'm looking at old Pics of speakers that I would love to see come back. 

I'll post two or three. What do you like? Post your DIY or that speaker that got away..

Enjoy the Holidays


Acoustic Research AR-3a Speakers

AR 3A wonderful speakers.. I never had to work on many AR speakers because they seldom screwed up. I sure like. I seen a few on stands too, that was the ticket. I used QSO 808 with a ring mid driver. I'm actually listening to them right now. Very close in sound. Look at the bass drivers and the cabinets. I don't think these were a matched pair.. ????

I new a guy named Mugs he had a pair of these. They sounded better than the QLS1. Theses were powered by infinity amps and used an Infinity preamp too. No Idea who actually made them.. They were in one of the first large treated rooms, I had ever heard and the guy had 2 (TWO) VMPS passive subs. He worked at the largest record retailer in the Bay Area for 10 years.. 10,000 records at least.. You wanted to hear it, he had it.. :-) Mugs went to heaven. :-)
