@jdoris "...Gallo series. Could sound very good indeed, and at very reasonable price point, esp. by the standards of today’s hobby.
I briefly had a pair of 3.5s or 3.6s, but could not get them to sing with the 30wpc amp I was running. I expect they wanted a bit of juice.
Interesting. I heard a pair of those floorstander Gallo 3s in a smaller room powered by a 100w EL34 stereo tube amplifier with some decent iron transformers behind it. The sound of that middle "CDT3 (Cylindrical Diaphragm Transducer)" component in that MTM type design was pretty neat. Like a circular flat ribbon of sorts. Smooth sound, quite surprising. My friend missed out on buying a used pair and kinda regrets it. A unique looking and sounding speaker in a small floorstander. I wonder if a pair of those new Strada 2 separate units with a REL sub would sound close.