I will add to this discussion about Nietzsche that his master Schopenhauer had deep view about music revealing the "noumenal" or the "thing in itself", passing over or under or through the mere "representation" and linking the "will" in man to the universal cosmic will as ONE... Then music express the esthethical and the ethical dimension as 2 aspects of the same coin so to speak... This is the reason why music was so important phenomenon for S. and N. inherited this passion for music experience as a cosmic experience from S. himself...
S. was an admirer of the Spinozist Goethe, who is the recognized or unrecognized center of all the german philosophy even more than Kant himself...... And for Goethe colors express the same esthetical and ethical dimensions 2 aspect of the same "coin" and experience...In the same fashion the morphology of an animal is a book to be read in his environment whose chapters contains all the physiology of the animal and of the world itself.... For this read the monumental 1300 pages book of Wolfgang Schad
Now physical Acoustic and psycho-acoustic , the science but also the lived experience of acoustic, express for me, like music an esthetical and a ethical lesson to the acoustician and to ourself : the location of our body in the world or in a room make us able with our attention to explore CONSCIOUSLY a perspectival meaningful world lived internally and externally as ONE WORLD...
More than that the perception of sound is the DIRECT perception, through the wave-image, of the INSIDE of a resonating object and an immediate perception of his density, of his topology, and of his intrinsic qualities located in a particular vibrational state in a pareticular environment...( this is the reason why the "timbre" experience for example cannot be reduced to his spectrum) .Intuition is then a compensated PERCEPTION here as real as for the senses...
For example the location of cavities , their number, the size of their aperture, the materials which compose them, be it dry wood or wet wood or diverse metals, be it a ripe fruit or not if we tap it to verify, etc, are revealed by tapping or putting the object in a resonant state... A cavern or a flute, not only fruits or rock are perceived directly for their qualities this way by prehistoric man or by blind man in their environment...Or by conscious listening experiment nowadays...
If you can read this article The Body-Image Theory of Sound: An Ecological Approach to Speech and Music by Akpan J. Essien is very instructive....So much i boight his doctorate thesis in a book...