Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good

It rarely happens to me, but in a pile of records I bought over the summer I

found one with no cover. Shocking Blue’s 2nd album. 'At Home' (I’m your Venus is on it).

Even most Beatles albums have at least one song I could pass on, but not this one. Horrible fidelity, scratched to hell, but damn...

So I’d love to hear of other records that you all could suggest.




Y’all are soooo old. I’m 37 and am I the only person here who listens to current music?

Well,  I for one will not take advantage of your youth & inexperience.

Now I tried those that you posted and the only one which showed any sort of maybe being good (to me) was "lcd soundsystem - sound of silver" The main reason I don't listen to much of the newer music is because its just not compelling It has no soul, Its too mechanical like its being played by a machine rather than a human. And often that is the case. But if that's what you like, then good.


Any LP by Art Blakey's Jazz Messengers

The Nightfly

In A Silent Way

Joe Henderson's State Of The Tenor Vol 1

Grant Green  Idle Moments.

There's just sooooooo many.