Has anybody heard the new Nagra CD Player?

Just wondering if anybody has heard the CDC. Considering its asking price, it should be one of the best out there... or not?
The idea that CDs are going to disappear soon is a ridiculous and un-substantiated claim. There is no reason to not invest in quality CD playback.
The Nagra seems to be state-of-the-art in a single box:
The leading German HiFi-magazine Stereo reviewed the Nagra in its February, 2007, issue.
They found it to sound substantially better than their up-to-the-review reference, the Esoteric X-01. Wrote editor Matthias Böde: "The Swiss player defines audiophile and emotional categories partly anew. The most defining characteristics is a hereforeto unheard soundstage. The CDC shows a stage definition in width, depth, and height, and a three-dimensional sound, against which our reference (the Esoteric) sound more compact, less dimensional, and with less body...The bass was thicker and less well defined than with the Nagra....the midths were slightly coloured (with the Esoteric), which we heard never heard before, in comparison with lesser players (than the Nagra)...Until now, we never have heard our Soulution amps with Wilson Sophia 2 so perfectly, with digital sources. (Böde is an experienced vinyl head, too)
Florian Hassel
Goatwuss-you're entitled to your opinion. But I would ask you to substantiate your statement a little more, I already have.

Just keep a close eye on whats going in the markets, and you will see how Cd's will continue, emphasis on continue, to fade into the background. Give it a decade tops, and they will become an afterthought.

Like I said, if you want to pay for a super high-priced cd player, you are paying largely for the transport design (particularly in the Nagra) which is painstakingly designed to reduce transport-induced jitter. If you could eliminate the cost of that transport, and the possibility of transport related jitter. Why wouldn't you?

All you need to know is this, bits are bits, and if one were in the market for a new front end, and could get equal and/or better sound than Nagra, Esoteric, (or any other Uber player) and at the same time eliminate dealing with CD's, and ad a level of convenience that is unmatched at the same time. Why wouldn't you?

To each his own of course, and I could easily be considered an early adopter as well, but...And I say this with fact-based experience and research; after listening to ALOT of front ends (Nagra & Esoteric included), I feel blessed by the Audio Gods to have found Wavelength products, and blessed to have owned two of Gordon's DAC's. IMO they are a much better option than both of the aforementioned. It is really special stuff and the best digital I have EVER heard.