I'm confused - Different music...different speakers?

Thanks for allowing me this exploration. I've been on Audiogon before and find myself here for a very different reason this time.
I do believe my system is well resolving and will define gear at the end
Yet I keep getting steered to music genre based on sound.
What I mean by this is simple.
I can't seem to listen to old rock n roll favorites anymore.
There are albums I know from the past inside out and upside down - one example: The Allman Brother's at Fillmore East. I can mostly play every bit of this on guitar. I own three good copies on vinyl and can stream it at hi-res on Qobuz.
There are two drummers and Berry Oakley on bass- no slouch. Duane on slide...etc. An Epic and dynamic album
I can't listen to it - the metal tweeters are just aggravating. And what I remember from the bass and percussion is slam from the very opening to the end - it's not here.
What is going on here?
Gear is as follows:
Analogue side is a Nottingham Space 294, 12" Ace arm, Lyra Delos Cart and an EAR 834 MM/MC phono stage
Digital is an Antelope Zodiac plus with Voltikus power supply
All good and better cables
Totem Hawk floor standers
Amp is a Rogue Cronus w/ KT120 output tubes
Play Bill Evans or Bach ....and I can watch the paint melt off the walls and love every second of it......
I'm at a loss and thanks


Here’s one more for you @smaarch1

Check out: DECWARE - Article about Setting up a Listening Room without Treatments

I tried this one room at a time.

My 12’ x 16’ foot office space most closely resembles figure 2. Harbeth SHL5+40s were initially firing down the long wall, then the short wall. I liked it the best set up as indicated on the decware site.

My 15’ x 15’ room (I know, squares are really bad) is set up in a similar manner as my office (but with a little asymmetry with the room corner they span). Both a new pair of Magnepan LRSs and an old pair of B&W 801 Matrix S2s sounded much better after the new vs traditional placement. Best improvement of all rooms.

My 10’ x 15’ spare bedroom is also now set up with corner asymmetry placement.

Only tried a new (ish) pair of LS50s and an old pair of Rogers LS3/5As in there. Since these are so easy to move around, I tried the long wall/short wall thing first before going with the diagonal placement.


Although not bad I'd say the Fillmore East recording is a bit unbalanced with most happening in the right speaker which makes a hard listening at higher volumes.

Studio albums fine.

A sonically (to me) better live recording from the same year would be Free - Live!



I have a different system for analogue and a different one or digital. Amps and cables and speakers naturally lend themselves to one or the other. There seems to be no universal compatibility

@smaarch1 Oh I've been playing with speaker positioning alright....

Forgot to mention what a colleague and I landed on with our former Totem's with the same metal dome tweeters.  If you have not already done so, face them dead straight forward, no toe-in at all.  It rolled highs off a tad, more bass, deeper sound stage resulted. Seemed odd a first, and yet it worked really well for our rooms, fwiw.